Writing in the Modern Age 2016 Year in Review
For our 354th post, I’d like to take a moment to offer a flashback of sorts regarding some of our blog’s events.
Since its guest author launch in 2013, Writing in the Modern Age has taken on an exciting life of its own! I can’t thank our guest writers, published authors and blog readers enough for seeing us through all those great changes! What began as a potential haven for writers at any stage to seek encouragement and advice in their careers has evolved into a fun place for readers of any book genre to find their new, favorite author.
So, what did occur this year? Let me tell you.
We had two book giveaways, introduced a new Author’s Bookshelf feature, discovered some service interviews, as well as our big 350th Anniversary multi-author writing process post. This was on top of our revolving author and character interviews, and even more poetry spotlights and new release features in 2016. With over 70 posts this year and 120 participating authors, I’d say we’ve done rather well! Starting with fantasy author Arie Farnam’s interview at the beginning of the year, to DJ Swykert’s tips about incorporating forensics into mystery writing, and Carl R. Brush’s great lessons in using the past in fiction, to Heidi Renee Mason’s fascinating poetry spotlight, all the way to Diana Rubino’s illustration of the difference between small and large presses, and Susanne Matthews giving us a look at how to effectively write a trilogy, (not to mention a few new articles by yours truly), so much has happened!
Again, thank you all so much for visiting the blog this year, whether you’re a loyal follower or a newcomer, you guested on the blog (see our blog policy, which offers more information about contributing if you’re a writer), or just simply stumbled across our site from social media. We’d like to offer you a load of gratitude from the bottom of our hearts!
Also, many thanks to our great writers and talented authors who wrote posts, or participated in interviews and giveaways!
Below I am including information about all the authors who were featured in 2016, either in an interview, article, book giveaway or other event. Each author will be listed with a link to the most relevant website to find out more information about their books or writing. You’ll also see each individual author’s latest book cover, as well as his or her location in the world. For what reader hasn’t wondered where his or her favorite author comes from? Each cover will include an updated link to a purchase page. Additionally, I’m including a link or links to the post each author contributed to this year. That way, you can catch any posts you may have missed!
Sound good? Great! Without further ado, here are our authors!
Arie Farnam - Prague
Post: Author Interview
Lois W. Stern - New York
Post: Service Interview
Aoede, or Lisa Sniderman - California
Post: Interview
Doug Bolton - Oregon
Post: Giveaway 1
Amber Daulton - North Carolina
Posts: Giveaway 1
Sable Hunter -Texas
Posts: Giveaway 1
K.C. Sprayberry - Georgia
Posts: Giveaway 1
Debbie White - California
Post: Giveaway 1
Rebecca L. Frencl - Illinois
Posts: Giveaway 1
Linda Heavner Gerald - Florida
Post: Giveaway 1
Margo Bond Collins - Texas
Post: Giveaway 1
Sharon Kleve - Washington
Post: Giveaway 1
Devika Fernando - Germany
Posts: Giveaway 1
DJ Swykert - Kentucky
Posts: Giveaway 1
Carole McKee - Florida
Posts: Giveaway 1
Bernard Foong (Young) - Hawaii
Posts: Giveaway 1
Elaine C. Pereira - Michigan
Post: Giveaway 1
Maxine Flam - California
Post: Giveaway 1
Marianne Petit - New York
Posts: Giveaway 1
T.W. Embry - Florida
Post: Giveaway 1
Giulietta M. Spudich - London, England
Post: Giveaway 1
Viv Drewa - Michigan
Posts: Giveaway 1
Fiona Tarr - Australia
Posts: Giveaway 1
Olga Nuñez Mirét - Sheffield, England
Posts: Giveaway 1
Linda Lee Williams - Colorado
Posts: Giveaway 1
Dan Buri - Oregon
Posts: Giveaway 1
Alicia Sparks - Louisiana
Post: Giveaway 1
Andrea Perno - Maryland
Post: Giveaway 1
C.J. Anaya - Utah/Brazil/everywhere
Post: Giveaway 1
Elliot Richard Dorfman - New York
Post: Giveaway 1
Emily A. Lawrence - Transylvania
Post: Giveaway 1
Frank Borne - Louisiana
Post: Giveaway 1
Michael Aronovitz/Nicholas Fisher - Pennsylvania
Posts: Giveaway 1
Vicki-Ann Bush - Nevada
Post: Giveaway 1
Linda Covella - California
Post: Giveaway 1
L. Anne Carrington - Pennsylvania
Posts: Giveaway 1
Belinda Celayir - Florida
Post: Giveaway 1
Samantha Cross - Michigan
Post: Giveaway 1
Cynthia Ley/Cyn Ley - Oregon
Post: Giveaway 1
John Stamp - Georgia
Post: Giveaway 1
JR Wirth - California
Post: Giveaway 1
Tina Donahue - Undisclosed
Posts: Giveaway 1
Gloria Weber - Ohio
Posts: Giveaway 1
Ashley Fontainne - Arkansas
Posts: Giveaway 1
Belinda Y. Hughes - Louisiana
Posts: Giveaway 1
Angela Deppeler - Tennessee
Post: Giveaway 1
Susan Lynn Solomon - New York
Post: Giveaway 1
A.A. Schenna - Greece
Post: Giveaway 1
Natasha Lane - Maryland
Post: Giveaway 1
James W. McAllister - New York
Post: Giveaway 1
Marie Lavender - Indiana
Posts: Giveaway 1
Karen Milstein - Undisclosed
Post: Giveaway 1
Tamara Thorne - California
Posts: Giveaway 1
Alistair Cross - West/New England (U.S.)
Posts: Giveaway 1
Diana Rubino - Massachusetts
Posts: Giveaway 1
Theresa Dalayne - Ohio
Post: Giveaway 1
Susanne Matthews - Ontario, Canada
Posts: Giveaway 1
Anthony Rudzki - Pennsylvania
Post: Giveaway 1
JoAnne Keltner - North Carolina
Post: Giveaway 1
Tracy Kincaid - Pennsylvania
Post: Giveaway 1
Kathleen Andrews Davis/K.A.Davis - Pennsylvania
Post: Giveaway 1
Rachael Stapleton - Ontario, Canada
Post: Giveaway 1
Penny Estelle/P.A. Estelle - Arizona
Posts: Giveaway 1
A.B. Funkhauser - Ontario, Canada
Posts: Author's Bookshelf
Carl R. Brush - California
Posts: Guest Article
David Chandler - Pennsylvania
Post: Author's Bookshelf
Silvia Villalobos - California
Post: Author's Bookshelf
Mika Jolie - New Jersey
Posts: Giveaway 2
Jim Cronin - Colorado
Posts: Author's Bookshelf
Sandra Perez Gluschankoff - California
Post: Author Interview
Linda Diane Wattley - Ohio
Post: Author Interview
Heidi Renee Mason - Washington
Post: Poetry Spotlight
Michael J. Sahno - Florida
Posts: Author Interview
Tom Johnson - Texas
Posts: Author Interview
Stefan Vucak - Australia
Posts: Service Interview
Ivanka Di Felice - Italy
Post: Author Interview
Kelli Sue Landon - Illinois
Post: Author Interview
Kim Smith - Tennessee
Post: Service Interview
Chad McClendon - Kentucky
Post: Character Interview
Post: Book Feature
Gissel Brito - Florida
Post: Author Interview
Frederick H. Crook - Illinois
Post: Author Interview
Tory Allyn - New York
Post: Author Interview
Lana K. Dempsey - Texas
Post: Author Interview
Isobelle Cate - Manchester, England
Posts: Author's Bookshelf
Branka Čubrilo - Australia
Posts: Author's Bookshelf
Kate Collins/KateMarie Collins - Washington
Post: Service Interview
Laura Ranger - Mississippi
Posts: New Release Feature
Vivienne Vincent - Undisclosed
Posts: New Release Feature
Post: New Release Feature
C.L. Bush - Undisclosed
Post: Author Interview
Uvi Poznansky - New York
Posts: Author Interview
Jannette Fuller - North Carolina
Posts: Author Interview
Margaret Egrot - England
Posts: Author Interview
M.R. Rutter - Minnesota
Post: Author Interview
Rival Gates - Nebraska
Posts: Character Interview
CS Patra - North Carolina
Post: Author Interview
Henry Anderson - England
Post: Author Interview
Christopher Davis/TJ Adams - California
Post: Guest Article
Caryl McAdoo - Texas
David M. Mannes - Canada
Andy Ruffett - Toronto, Canada
P.I. Barrington - California
Natalie Silk - Virginia
Mark Conte - Florida
Dianne Hartsock - Oregon
Doc Krinberg - California
Celia Kennedy -Washington
Mark H. Newhouse/M.H. Newhouse - Florida
Grey Francis - California
Cleo Scornavacca - New Jersey
Jill Marie Denton - Delaware
Laura Vosika - Minnesota
Miles Rothwell - Australia
Nina Soden - Michigan
Jane Riddell - Scotland
Monica DeSimone - New Jersey
Readers, I hope you enjoyed our list this year. Authors and writers, once again, thanks for making Writing in the Modern Age awesome in 2016! We really appreciate your support and wish you tons of success!
Here’s to a wonderful 2017, a time of beginnings. Tomorrow is a new day, a way to turn the page on this life, so let’s make the best of it.
Happy New Year, everyone!
And, as always, happy reading! :)
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The fact is…our policy has changed considerably, at least for a while. Check out our 'Blog Policy' for more information about the types of features offered, how you can purchase a guest spot, my policy on review requests, and rules for guest writers. Starting from 2021, I was charging for some types of posts. Of course, there is never a fee for a guest article, as long as you adhere to the blog's theme. I also will not charge for big multi-author events which I host (these are giveaways or participation questions, and it's obvious what materials you're providing). If you'd like to submit a guest book review (no, I don't write book reviews, please don't ask me), I will always accept those and not charge you a fee at all. Starting in 2022, I WILL NO LONGER BE posting new release features, cover reveals, Author's Bookshelf features, author interviews, character interviews, and poetry spotlights. I am far too overwhelmed with other work to do constant blog posts. I'll still be writing my own articles sometimes and hosting multi-author special features. For companies that can afford a sponsored post, I'm willing to discuss a reasonable quote for a specialized article which fits within the blog's theme (No blatant promotions). Email me atmarieannlavender@gmail.comif you wish to participate in a unique post. Feel free to approach me with your creative ideas about a blog post. Slots at Writing in the Modern Age are always first come, first served. Contact us and reserve a spot! Refer to the 'guest schedule' at the top of the screen for further clarification about availability. Thanks for understanding.Disclaimer
Thoughts and opinions by guest authors do not necessarily represent any thoughts and opinions by this website's administrator, nor are they directly endorsed. All writings on the blog are subject to review and editing. Please visit our blog policy to understand the site's theme a little better.Use our hashtag #WritModAge when you mention us!Should you edit your own work? Definitely! - The Ultimate Guide to Editing a BookAre you a technical writer? Look no further for some tools of the trade!Love physical books like me? Check out this cool DIY link!Sign up for Marie's author newsletter! Get on her mailing list @Blog Categories